The Daily Sentinel from Scottsboro, Alabama (2024)

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Page 2 The Daily Sentinel Thursday ebruary 1 1990 JCH recognizes activities coordinator What do you think the lives ol residents of nursing homes would be without activities direc tors? The patients would taken care of fine but activities would be limited Ruth Spurgeon has been activi ties coordinator at Jackson Coun ty Nursing Home for 13 years and was recognized by co workers and administrative staff in connection with National Activity Professionals Day on riday Jan 26 The Alabama Nursing Home Association joined other long term care organizations across the nation to express thanks to diis group on January 26 Gov Guy Hunt also proclaimed Alaba ma Activity Professionals Day diroughout the state The weekly popcorn party was among the scheduled events for Jan 26 in the dining room where most of the activities take place except in warm weather Spurgeon coordinates parties crafts monthly singings at the nursing home by members of the Pisgah Nutrition Center religious services three times a week and special events The second and fourth Mon days of a month feature games and exercise a representative comes from Scottsboro Public Library with a movie on the third Monday: slides or a film arc shown on the fifth Monday Tuesdays are bingo days Wed nesdays current events and read ing and Thursdays are party days The schedule varies on arts and crafts but they usually take place during mornings Spurgeon said come in for visits with residents We arc always looking for vol unteers to help There is plenty they can do such as reading to residents watering their plants writing letters for them and roll ing them in their wheelchairs enjoy most of the work It is very rewarding by the satisfac tion you get by doing a service The ones we serve arc apprecia tive and their families seem to appreciate what we arc doing" Among activities this past summer were wheelchair rides of up to two miles and picnics when weather permited The wheelchair rides will resume in March Many residents arc taken to the county fair each year Spurgeon a native of Monnctt Ohio and her husband Hugh live in Scottsboro They have a grown daughter Lisa Holman and a fivc ycar old granddaughter Lori Holman also of Scottsboro ollowing arc comments from co workers: Jo Harrison RN is kind and compassionate to all residents She docs her best to entertain them and keep their hair styled a big Bernice Moody LPN is cheerful and friendly toward the other staff and resi dents She always has a kind word to say She is interested in the residents' welfare She docs an excellent job styling the resi Dean Wright NA is much appreciated by the resi dents They depend greatly on Louise Green NA has concern for the residents and it Kay Browder secretary shops for the residents many times on her off time Geneva Evans NA "Even in her busiest schedule she always has that little extra time to give an encouraging word or RUTH SPURGEON a pat on the shoulder which is so desperately needed at the Cynthia Campbell NA is a good person and docs a good Damages Abortion opponents confident of Substance cripples AIDS virus growth in test tube 259 6246 7:15 iwiiua Newswatch irthdays HOLlDAYCIHEf1A Bible Versed LOOK TALKING An no marvel for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14) By MALCOLM RITTER AP Science Writer Happy Belated Birthday to AN ROBINSON and EULENE GILLEYHappy 54th Birthday WALLACE SEXTONHappy 18th Birthday REBECCA ROSEHappy 17th Birthday JAMIE STEWART "jr ull Service lions cn eb 5 Scottsboro Director Barbara Beaty will call clients to take applications by appointment only Clients in die Pisgah Stevenson and Bridgeport areas should visit their set rice centers beginning eb 5 DAR BOOSTERS The DAR Band Boosters will hold their annual chicken dinner Sunday eb 4 1990 from 1 1 am until 2 pm at the DAR School Grant CLASS REUNION The Stevenson High School Class of 1960 will hold a meeting Thurs day eb 8 6 pm at Restaurant in Stevenson to plan for their 30 year Class Reunion All gra duates are urged to attend or more information contact Martha Matth ews at 437 2114 or 437 2229 Shir ley Woodall at 437 2118 or 437 8223 or Jean McCrary at 437 2171 or 437 8202 HOME ENERGY The Community Action Agency will begin taking low income home energy assistance program applica ble chairman Rep Jenkins Bryant Ncwbcm for permission to move for a vole at the end of die hearing "Some way or another this com mittee has got to go ahead and vole on these Blake said of the pending measures to restrict abortions But Bryant interrupted Blake Pcll City saying the committee "was not going to bring out any issue on any vote right now not going to entertain any motion right Bryant then told Blake who has said he favors restricting abortion that he was die intelli gence of the other members Mr Blake we want you to have a Bryant said he was not putting a lime limit on testimony to the com mittee He assured die 150 people attending the hearing that both life and pro advocates would get equal time ollowing the hearing Bryant said the panel would meet again next Wednesday and "consider all die Asked if die committee would vote Bryant said stop them going to be a regular committee In comments to the committee Robin Perry said she underwent an abortion 1 2 years ago and has since had terrifying nightmares of babies crying She said many women who have abortions suffer a abortion which she compared to "post traumatic stress syndrome" suffered by some Vietnam veterans Rabbi David Baylinson of Mont gomery told the committee that he respects right of choice" we arc of different relig ions we may not agree when life starts he said Baylinson said it was "not an issue for any legislators to make any legal decision The Senate Judiciary Committee meanwhile held a hearing on a bill that proposes new restrictions for abortion clinics The panel chairman Sen Jim Prcuitt Talladcga pre dicted the committee would approve the bill i a pretty conservative com he said what would kill cells That compares to concentrations of 100 times to 10000 times lower than a cell killing dose required by AZT the only approved drug for treating acquired immune deficiency syndrome and the experimental drugs didcoxycytidinc and didcoxyinosinc the researchers said This test tube potency of the new compounds may bode well for avoiding side effects but nobody knows what would happen in humans cautioned AIDS researcher Jay Levy of die University of California at San rancisco Many drugs that look promising in die test tube turn out to have unpredictcd side effects he said And higher potentcncy in the test tube docs not necessarily mean greater effectiveness in people he said Jeffrey Laurence of the New York Hospital Comcll Medical Center said he was concerned that the com pound highlighted in the study did not work against close relatives of the AIDS virus including HIV 2 and a monkey version of the AIDS virus That suggests the AIDS virus might become resis tant to it by mutating only slightly he said rom Page 1 sible for the remaining sum The trial which began Monday included testimony from Smith Alabama State Trooper Thomas Davis who investigated the acci dent and several experts on die sub ject of accident recreation Both sides presented theories of how the wreck occurred presenting expert opinions to justify those theories The accident which occurred on Highway 35 near the BB Comer Bridge on Saturday March 9 1985 involved a Monte Carlo driven by Smith and a Dodge Ram pickup truck driven by Brownfield 55 of Stevenson Smidi claimed dial Brownfield was travelling in die wrong lane causing the accident Attorneys for Mrs Brownfield contended that Smith veered into the wrong lane causing the accident The jury deliberated for just over 30 minutes before returning a ver dict in favor of Brownfield Lester Cornelison 55 of acklcr a passenger in the Brownfield pick up was also killed in the accident DONNELLY The 36th Wedding Anniversary of Ernest (TC) and Jackie Willmon Donnelly of Hollywood will be eb 9 at the North Alabama Electric Cooperative in Stevenson at 6:30 pm All friends and reladvcs arc invited to come and bring a covered dish RSVP RSVP will have a covered dish luncheon eb 5 at the Community Center 918 South Broad Street at 12 Noon Gina Stone from Hospice will be the guest speaker and everyone is welcome rom Page 1 ing lot Rainsville Police Chief Jim Kerby said that while the boys avoided an accident there were a lot of close calls we got to the Gulf station to get the Kerby said were just as calm as they could be They were laughing about how many near accidents they The boys were released into the custody of their mother Kerby said Stop In or ull Service Ask or Jimmy Matthews 419 Uurel Home 4372459 Orflc 259 5219 LEATHERACE 7 7J5 committees vote on bill next week MONTGOMERY Ala (AP) An advocate of bills that would restrict abortions came away from legislative hearings Wednesday con fident that both House and Senate committees will vote on the mea sures next Wednesday Carrie Gordon a spokeswoman for die Alabama Pro Life Coalition said she expects both the House Public Welfare Committee and Senate Judiciary Committee will vote on die bills next week is she said of the prospect of committee votes combined widi the House Ways and Means approval of a General und budget Supporters of the bills to restrict abortions have said they will likely have to wait on the Legislature to approve bodi the General und and education budgets before the mea sures could win approval on the (loor No action has been taken on the education budget As the House panel convened the second day of a public hearing started Jan 24 Rep AJ Blake asked NEW YORK (AP) Scientists say they have created what appear to be the most potent substances yet studied for stopping the AIDS virus from repro ducing based on test tube results The class of compounds apparently sabotages a process involving a virus enzyme called reverse tran scriptase the scientists said The compounds have not yet been tested on humans for effectiveness but one of the substances was tried on six healthy men who tolerated it without major side effects the researchers reported in Wed issue of the British journal Nature The scientists arc from the Rcga Institute for Medi cal Research in Leuven Belgium and the Janssen Research oundation in Bccrsc Belgium and in Spring House Pa They conducted laboratory studies of compounds called T1BO derivatives In their tests the compounds inhibited reproduction of the AIDS virus at concentra tions that were 10000 to 100000 times lower than One injured in Section auto mishap One person was injured in a one car accident at Section Wednesday morning about 5:08 am Keith Hickman of 2008 Lincoln Avenue ort Payne was traveling south on Highway 35 in a 1989 Pon tiac irebird when he apparently lost control of die vehicle and flipped upside down according to Section Police Chief Ronald Williamson Hickman was transported by EASI to Jackson County Hospital where he was treated and released Rapid Responders and ire Depart ment also responded to the accident E) ras News Briefs ire destroys fire department DELAPLAINE Ark (AP) The Volunteer ire Department do much to fight a major blaze it was their building and all their equip ment was inside The fire Tuesday destroyed the building two trucks breathing equip ment hoses and records ire Chief Eddie Joe Meredith said "Everything we had is Meredith said cry if it would He said firefighters retrieve any equipment because they get through the electrically operated doors They broke through a wall to try to save their records but flames beat them to the filing cabinet Meredith said several neighboring departments tried to save the building The department was building a third truck with help from the Dela plaine High shop program but Meredith said not ready for service yet He declined to speculate on the cause of the fire He said the building was insured for $25000 and the two trucks for $13000 each Anniston circuit court judge named in ethics complaint MONTGOMERY Ala (AP) Circuit Judge Harold Quattlebaum of Anniston has been removed from the bench pending the outcome of a jud icial ethics complaint the Alabama Court of the Judiciary said Wednesday The complaint released by the Court of the Judiciary was filed after an investigation by the state judicial inquiry commission It alleges the judge made misrepresentations in filing insurance claims The complaint accuses Quattlebaum of making false representations to more than one company concerning wind or hail damage to the roof of his home He allegedly received three insurance claim payments totaling $28413 With the filing of the complaint the judge was relieved from his judi cial duties with pay pending the outcome of a trial before the Court of the Judiciary in Montgomery The court has the power to remove penalize or exonerate judges who have been cited for violations of the canons of judi cial ethics Quattlebaum who is now in the second year of his second six ycar term on the circu it court scrv ing Calhoun and Cleburne counties was not avail able for comment He already had left his office Wednesday afternoon and he did not immediately return a telephone message left at his home Man says letter to editor prompted BI to question him ATLANTA (AP) A metro Atlanta man who wrote a newspaper complaining about public funding of civil rights groups and was later interviewed in the mail bombing investigation wants an apology The BI however saying sorry red A Rhcncy of Smyrna said the questions about his May 1989 letter to The Atlanta Journal smacked of a and he thinks an apology is in order despicable action taken by the BI reminds me of a police state and I must admit that it is chilling because this could happen to Rhcncy wrote in a letter published in Journal William Hinshaw agent in charge of the Atlanta office said the Rhcncy interview was one of hundreds that have been conducted dur ing the investigation of December mail bombings which killed an Alaba ma federal judge and a Savannah attorney regret anyone is offended by the interviews but we apolog ize for doing what we believe is he said In his May 1989 letter Rhcncy complained about legislation give $15 million to one of our private cril rights we finance one private organization with he looks as if we could do the same thing for all other private otga nizations including the Ku Klux Klan However this too would be even more Judge orders retrial in McMartin child molestation case LOS ANGELES (AP) Raymond Buckey will be retried on 13 dead locked counts in the McMartin Pre school child molestation case a judge ruled Wednesday SupcriorCourt Judge William Pounders who presided over the longest and costliest criminal trial in US history agreed with Deputy District Attorney Lacl Rubin that Buckcy should be retried on the counts on which a jury failed to reach a verdict Pounders set a trial date of March 9 The jury Jan 18 cleared Buckcy 31 and his mother 63 year old Peg gy McMartin Buckey of 52 counts of molesting children at their nursery school But the judge decbred a mistrial on 13 other counts leaving it up to the prosecution to decide whether to pursue another trial is a car in the judge told defense attorney Danny Davis at a hearing Wednesday only way it could be stopped is with a motion by the prosecution to dismiss (the charges) in the interest of The trial lasted nearly three years at a cost variously estimated at $15 million and at least $132 million Eradication program owes $20 million MOULTRIE Ga (AP) The executive directoi of a three state boll weevil eradication program says the program owes about $20 million but with grower support it should be able to eradicate the dreaded cotton pest within two years Johnny Paul DcLoach said the Boll Weevil Eradication oundation program has been plagued by problems since it started in 1987 in Georgia lorida and Alabama "What we want is for you to know the truth about this DeLoach said at a recent meeting in Moultrie program is going forward but got to have your support in good shape to eradicate the weevil in 1991 if we continue with the program this Prog ram rom Page 1 with these DHR clients to provide support and encouragement toward their becoming self sufficient Bell will be developing a local Life Skills Class for adult recipients of food stamps and ADC and for older foster children training them in areas such as budgeting nutrition problem solving crisis management maintaining positive rebtionships and other She will also assist in coordina tion and expansion of a community based support system for seasonal needs or special needs of foster children or other low income individuals such as Christmas gra duation activities or other house hold needs There are specific requirement for each program for volunteers Volunteers will be provided with an orientation training period addi tional insurance coverage and reimbursed 22 cents per mile Parker says they are still looking for a second VISTA worker prefer ably a college graduate or equiva lent experience and someone who is a good speaker would be an excellent job for a said Parker It is a 40 hour position The sabty is minimal but provides good benefits accord ing to Parker Parker says this person would basically be a Those interested in applying for the VISTA positiona should contact DHR 1 574 2791 Alabama Press Association 701 Payne Hwy Scottsboro AL 35768 Phone (205) 259 1020 Or Toll ree 1 800 343 5229 Terri Kirby aye McBride Helen Willmon Advertising Manager Classified Manager Circulation The Daily Sentinel ESTABLISHED 1887 VOLUME XX NUMBER 030 4P Associated Press Award Winner Editor and Publisher Billy Cornwell Jr General Manager Bynum Managing Editor Johnnie Hale Published daily uesday through riday and Sunday mornings by Scottsboro Newspapers Inc Billy Cornwell Jr President The Daily Sentinel successor to the The Progressive Age The Jackson County Sentinel and The Sentinel Age Seco ndClass Postage PaidatScottsboro AL 35768 Subscription 00 6Months $24 001 Year $38 00 Out of County Rates: 3 Months 1 900 6 Months $30 00 1 Year $50 00 POSTMASTERS: Send Address Cha ngesTo: The Daily Sentinel 701 Payne Hwy Scottsboro AL 35768 The Daily Sentinel reserves the nght of reproduction and publication of all news and advertising contents of inis newspaper To reach Circulation phone 259 6435 Al other departments dial 259 1020 or ca I Tol ree 1 800 343 5229 Office Hours Monday thru riday 8 AM to 5 PM Circulation phones open until 5 PM Mon ri and Sunday 8 AM until 10 AM News phones open until 8 PM HOL1DAYCIHEMA.

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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

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Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.