Binomial Coefficients Calculator | iCalculatorβ„’ (2024)

The Binomial Coefficients Calculator will calculate:

  1. The coefficients of any binomial when both terms and the power of the binomial are given

Binomial Coefficients Calculator Parameters: The power of the binomial is a natural (counting) number.

Binomial Coefficients Calculator
Binomial Coefficients Calculator Results (detailed calculations and formula below)
Binomial Coefficients Calculation and Formula
(a + b)n = nβˆ‘k = 0nk an - k bk

Binomial Coefficients Calculator Input Values
First term of the binomial (a) =
Second term of the binomial (b) =
Power of the binomial (n) =

Please note that the formula for each calculation along with detailed calculations is shown further below this page. As you enter the specific factors of each binomial coefficients calculation, the Binomial Coefficients Calculator will automatically calculate the results and update the formula elements with each element of the binomial coefficients calculation. You can then email or print this binomial coefficients calculation as required for later use.

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Binomial Coefficients Calculator | iCalculatorβ„’ (1)

The Binomial Coefficients Calculator has practical application and use in the following fields and disciplines


Theoretical Description

A binomial is a mathematical expression raised to a certain power n where the expression itself contains two terms combined with each other through the operation of addition according to the scheme below.

Binomial = (Term 1 + Term 2)n

The term "binomial" means a "polynomial containing two terms". The power in which a polynomial is raised is called its degree or order. Thus, a binomial raised to the second power is called a second-order (degree) binomial, when raised to the third power it is called a third-order (degree) binomial, etc.

Finding the coefficients of a binomial means finding all numbers preceding the variables in each of the terms when the binomial is written in the decomposed form. In general, we express the terms using the letters x and y (or a and b). For example, in binomials raised to the second power (quadratic binomials), these coefficients are 1, 2 and 1 respectively, because

(a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2

Likewise, the coefficients in the binomials raised to the third power (cubic binomials) are 1, 3, 3 and 1 respectively, because

(a + b)3 = a3 + 3a2 b + 3ab2 + b3

The coefficients of the second and third-order binomials can be found using the expanding brackets method. However, higher order binomials become harder to calculate through the expanding brackets method, so we must use other methods to calculate them. Therefore, we must use a more comprehensive method, which allows the calculation of binomial coefficients of any degree. This method is called the binomial coefficients theorem.

This theorem, first discovered by Sir Isaac Newton, says that the coefficients preceding the variables in binomials raised to a given power are as follows:

(a + b)n = (n0) βˆ™ an βˆ™ b0 + (n1) βˆ™ an - 1 βˆ™ b1 + (n2) βˆ™ an - 2 βˆ™ b2 + β‹― + (nk) βˆ™ an - k βˆ™ bk + β‹― + (nn - 1) βˆ™ a1 βˆ™ bn - 1 + (nn) βˆ™ a0 βˆ™ bn

The general term of this binomial expression therefore is

kth term = (nk) an - k bk


(nk) = n!/k!(n - k)!

The symbol "!" is for "factorial". It means multiplying a number n by all the other numbers from n to 1, i.e. n! = n Γ— (n - 1) Γ— (n - 2) Γ— Γ— [n - (n - 1)]. For example,

5! = 5 Β· 4 Β· 3 Β· 2 Β· 1
8! = 8 Β· 7 Β· 6 Β· 5 Β· 4 Β· 3 Β· 2 Β· 1


Hence, the algebraic form of expansion of the binomial expression (a + b)n is

(a + b)n = nβˆ‘k = 0(nk) an - k bk

where the symbol nβˆ‘k = 0 is an abbreviation that means "the sum of all terms from k = 0 to k = n".

From the above formula and from the definition of factorial, it is clear that the first and the last coefficients are both 1, because

(n0) = C(n,0) = n!/0!(n-0)! = n!/1 βˆ™ n! = 1


(nn) = C(n,n) = n!/n!(n - n)! = n!/n! βˆ™ 0! = n!/n! βˆ™ 1 = 1

Look at the two examples below that show how to find the binomial coefficients for n = 6 and for n = 7.

For n = 6, (k varies from 0 to 6) we have

(a + b)6=(60) βˆ™ a6 βˆ™ b0 + (61) βˆ™ a6 - 1 βˆ™ b1 + (62) βˆ™ a6 - 2 βˆ™ b2 + (63) βˆ™ a6 - 3 βˆ™ b3 + (64) βˆ™ a6 - 4 βˆ™ b4 + (65) βˆ™ a6 - 5 βˆ™ b5 + (66) βˆ™ a6 - 6 βˆ™ b6
= 6!/0!(6 - 0)! βˆ™ a6 βˆ™ b0 + 6!/1!(6 - 1)! βˆ™ a5 βˆ™ b1 + 6!/2!(6 - 2)! βˆ™ a4 βˆ™ b2 + 6!/3!(6 - 3)! βˆ™ a3 βˆ™ b3 + 6!/4!(6 - 4)! βˆ™ a2 βˆ™ b4 + 6!/5!(6 - 5)! βˆ™ a1 βˆ™ b5 + 6!/6!(6 - 6)! βˆ™ a0 βˆ™ b6
= 6!/0! βˆ™ 6! βˆ™ a6 βˆ™ b0 + 6!/1! βˆ™ 5! βˆ™ a5 βˆ™ b1 + 6!/2! βˆ™ 4! βˆ™ a4 βˆ™ b2 + 6!/3! βˆ™ 3! βˆ™ a3 βˆ™ b3 + 6!/4! βˆ™ 2! βˆ™ a2 βˆ™ b4 + 6!/5! βˆ™ 1! βˆ™ a1 βˆ™ b5 + 6!/6! βˆ™ 0! βˆ™ a0 βˆ™ b6
= 6!/1 βˆ™ 6! βˆ™ a6 βˆ™ 1 + 6 βˆ™ 5!/1 βˆ™ 5! βˆ™ a5 βˆ™ b + 6 βˆ™ 5 βˆ™ 4!/2 βˆ™ 1 βˆ™ 4! βˆ™ a4 βˆ™ b2 + 6 βˆ™ 5 βˆ™ 4 βˆ™ 3!/3 βˆ™ 2 βˆ™ 1 βˆ™ 3! βˆ™ a3 βˆ™ b3 + 6 βˆ™ 5 βˆ™ 4!/4! βˆ™ 2 βˆ™ 1 βˆ™ a2 βˆ™ b4 + 6 βˆ™ 5!/5! βˆ™ 1 βˆ™ a1 βˆ™ b5 + 6!/6! βˆ™ 1 βˆ™ 1 βˆ™ b6
= a6 + 6a5 b + 15a4 b2 + 20a3 b3 + 15a2 b4 + 6ab5 + b6

For n = 7 (k varies from 0 to 7), we have

(a + b)7=(70) βˆ™ a7 βˆ™ b0 + (71) βˆ™ a7 - 1 βˆ™ b1 + (72) βˆ™ a7 - 2 βˆ™ b2 + (73) βˆ™ a7 - 3 βˆ™ b3 + (74) βˆ™ a7 - 4 βˆ™ b4 + (75) βˆ™ a7 - 5 βˆ™ b5 + (76) βˆ™ a7 - 6 βˆ™ b6 + (77) βˆ™ a7 - 7 βˆ™ b7
= 7!/0!(7 - 0)! βˆ™ a7 βˆ™ b0 + 7!/1!(7 - 1)! βˆ™ a6 βˆ™ b1 + 7!/2!(7 - 2)! βˆ™ a5 βˆ™ b2 + 7!/3!(7 - 3)! βˆ™ a4 βˆ™ b3 + 7!/4!(7 - 4)! βˆ™ a3 βˆ™ b4 + 7!/5!(7 - 5)! βˆ™ a2 βˆ™ b5 + 7!/6!(7 - 6)! βˆ™ a1 βˆ™ b6 + 7!/7!(7 - 7)! βˆ™ a0 βˆ™ b7
= 7!/0! βˆ™ 7! βˆ™ a7 βˆ™ b0 + 7!/1! βˆ™ 6! βˆ™ a6 βˆ™ b1 + 7!/2! βˆ™ 5! βˆ™ a5 βˆ™ b2 + 7!/3! βˆ™ 4! βˆ™ a4 βˆ™ b3 + 7!/4! βˆ™ 3! βˆ™ a3 βˆ™ b4 + 7!/5! βˆ™ 2! βˆ™ a2 βˆ™ b5 + 7!/6! βˆ™ 1! βˆ™ a1 βˆ™ b6 + 7!/7! βˆ™ 0! βˆ™ a0 βˆ™ b7
= 7!/1 βˆ™ 7! βˆ™ a7 βˆ™ 1 + 7 βˆ™ 6!/1! βˆ™ 6! βˆ™ a6 βˆ™ b + 7 βˆ™ 6 βˆ™ 5!/2 βˆ™ 1 βˆ™ 5! βˆ™ a5 βˆ™ b2 + 7 βˆ™ 6 βˆ™ 5 βˆ™ 4!/3 βˆ™ 2 βˆ™ 1 βˆ™ 4! βˆ™ a4 βˆ™ b3 + 7 βˆ™ 6 βˆ™ 5 βˆ™ 4!/4! βˆ™ 3 βˆ™ 2 βˆ™ 1 βˆ™ a3 βˆ™ b4 + 7 βˆ™ 6 βˆ™ 5!/5! βˆ™ 2 βˆ™ 1 βˆ™ a2 βˆ™ b5 + 7 βˆ™ 6!/6! βˆ™ 1 βˆ™ a βˆ™ b6 + 7!/7! βˆ™ 1 βˆ™ 1 βˆ™ b7
= a7 + 7a6 b + 21a5 b2 + 35a4 b3 + 35a3 b4 + 21a2 b5 + 7ab6 + b7

Instructions and information for using the Binomial Coefficients Calculator

All you have to do is to insert the two terms a and b of the binomial as well as the index (exponent) n that shows the power of the binomial. The terms a and b are not meant to be just single letters; they can also be monomials. For example, you may insert 2x for a and 3y for b. The calculator will eventually list all the binomial coefficients when the original binomial is written in the disassembled form.

For example, if you insert 2x for a, 4y for b and 3 for n, the calculator gives the following coefficients:

Output 1 = 8; Output 2 = 48; Output 3 = 96; Output 4 = 64


(a + b)3 = (30) βˆ™ a3 βˆ™ b0 + (31) βˆ™ a3 - 1 βˆ™ b1 + (32) βˆ™ a3 - 2 βˆ™ b2 + (33) βˆ™ a3 - 3 βˆ™ b3
= 3!/0!(3-0)! βˆ™ a3 βˆ™ b0 + 3!/1!(3-1)! βˆ™ a2 βˆ™ b1 + 3!/2!(3-2)! βˆ™ a1 βˆ™ b2 + 3!/3!(3 - 3)! βˆ™ a0 βˆ™ b3
= 3!/1! βˆ™ 3! βˆ™ a3 + 3!/1! βˆ™ 2! βˆ™ a2 b + 3!/2! βˆ™ 1! βˆ™ ab2 + 3!/3! βˆ™ 0! βˆ™ b3
= a3 + 3a2 b + 3ab2 + b3
= (2x)3 + 3 βˆ™ (2x)2 βˆ™ (4y) + 3 βˆ™ (2x) βˆ™ (4y)2 + (4y)3
= 8x3 + 3 βˆ™ 4x2 βˆ™ 4y + 3 βˆ™ 2x βˆ™ 16y2 + 64y3
= 8x3 + 48x2 y + 96xy2 + 64y3

Remark! The terms a and b can be negative as well. All the above operations are carried out in the same way as when both terms are positive but by taking into account the changes determined by any term's sign.

Sequences and Series Math Tutorials associated with the Binomial Coefficients Calculator

The following Math tutorials are provided within the Sequences and Series section of our Free Math Tutorials. Each Sequences and Series tutorial includes detailed Sequences and Series formula and example of how to calculate and resolve specific Sequences and Series questions and problems. At the end of each Sequences and Series tutorial you will find Sequences and Series revision questions with a hidden answer that reveal when clicked. This allows you to learn about Sequences and Series and test your knowledge of Math by answering the revision questions on Sequences and Series.

  • 12.1 - Working with Term-to-Term Rules in Sequences
  • 12.2 - Working with Arithmetic and Geometric Series. How to find the Sum of the First n-Terms of a Series.
  • 12.3 - Binomial Expansion and Coefficients
  • 12.4 - Infinite Series Explained

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Binomial Coefficients Calculator | iCalculatorβ„’ (2024)


How do you find the binomial coefficient? β€Ί

The binomial coefficient can be found with Pascal's triangle or the binomial coefficient formula. The formula involves the use of factorials: (n!)/(k!( n-k)!), where k = number of items selected and n = total items chosen from.

How to do binomial coefficient on TI 84 Plus? β€Ί

Computing Binomial Coefficients

Type the top number, then press MATHPRB, 3 (nCr), then the bottom number, Enter.

What is the formula for finding coefficient in binomial? β€Ί

A General Note: Binomial Coefficients

(nr)=C(n,r)=n! r! (nβˆ’r)! ( n r ) = C ( n , r ) = n !

How to calculate binomial formula? β€Ί

The binomial distribution formula is for any random variable X, given by; P(x:n,p) = nCx x px (1-p)n-x Or P(x:n,p) = nCx x px (q)n-x, where, n is the number of experiments, p is probability of success in a single experiment, q is probability of failure in a single experiment (= 1 – p) and takes values as 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ...

How do I find coefficients? β€Ί

Step 1: Identify and separate all the terms of the algebraic expression. Make sure you keep the sign in front of the term with it. Step 2: Look for numerical values in front of the variables in each term to identify the coefficients. If there is no number in front, the coefficient is 1.

How do you remember the binomial coefficient? β€Ί

Some of the most important properties of binomial coefficients are:
  1. K0 + K2 + K4 + … = K1 + K3 + K5 + … = 2n-1.
  2. K0 + K1 + K2 + … + Kn = 2n.
  3. nK1 + 2. nK2 + 3. nK3 + … + n. nKn = n. 2n-1.
  4. K0 – K1 + K2 – K3 + … +(βˆ’1)n. nKn = 0.
  5. K02 + K12 + K22 + … Kn2 = [(2n)!/ (n!) 2]
  6. K1 – 2K2 + 3K3 – 4K4 + … +(βˆ’1)n-1 Kn = 0 for n > 1.

How do you find the coefficient on a TI-84? β€Ί

TI-84: Correlation Coefficient
  1. To view the Correlation Coefficient, turn on "DiaGnosticOn" [2nd] "Catalog" (above the '0'). Scroll to DiaGnosticOn. [Enter] [Enter] again. ...
  2. Now you will be able to see the 'r' and 'r^2' values. Note: Go to [STAT] "CALC" "8:" [ENTER] to view. Previous Article. Next Article.
Jan 10, 2023

What is binomial theorem calculator? β€Ί

A Binomial Expansion Calculator is a tool that is used to calculate the expansion of a binomial expression raised to a certain power. The binomial expression is made up of two terms, usually represented as (a + b), and when it is raised to a power, it expands into a sum of terms.

Can you do binomial probability on TI-84? β€Ί

Your TI-84 can compute binomial probabilities; I'll give some examples below. Other TI's may work similarly. Hit the down button (upper right) several times ↓ until you see the binomial pdf function; on mine it looks like... 2).

How do you calculate the coefficient? β€Ί

Here are the steps to take in calculating the correlation coefficient:
  1. Determine your data sets. ...
  2. Calculate the standardized value for your x variables. ...
  3. Calculate the standardized value for your y variables. ...
  4. Multiply and find the sum. ...
  5. Divide the sum and determine the correlation coefficient.
Jul 31, 2023

What is binomial CD calculator? β€Ί

Use this binomial probability calculator to easily calculate binomial cumulative distribution function and probability mass given the probability on a single trial, the number of trials and events. It can calculate the probability of success if the outcome is a binomial random variable, for example if flipping a coin.


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